Law 158/2013
“For safety in road tunnels”
Article 17
Additional obligations for the safety of road tunnel users ”Road tunnel road users must behave in such a way as not to pose a danger or obstacle to traffic or cause damage to public property.
The Thirre – Kalimash tunnel is on “Rruga e Kombit” on the A1 Motorway
→ Length: – 5600 meters.
→ Number of pipes: 2 (two)
– Assistance exits that allow users (Pedestrians) to leave the tunnel without their vehicle in case of accident or fire:
– 11 (Eleventh) gallery (Security exit) of communication between tunnel pipes.
Safety exit → (For pedestrians)
Safety exit → (For pedestrians + vehicles)
– 6 (Six) pieces are used only for the removal of (pedestrian) users of the tunnel without a vehicle.
– 5 (five) In addition to the removal of users (Pedestrians) of the tunnel can be used to remove vehicles located in the tunnel.
(Removal of vehicles is carried out only under the direction of emergency services: (Tunnel Operator Services or State Police Services).
– Distance of safety exits from each other about 466 meters. (Alternating one for pedestrians and one for pedestrians + vehicles)
Completed with signage:
Traffic lights, arrows / electronic crosses.
(Regulate the circulation of vehicles in the tunnel and at safety exits).
-Variable electronic messages (VMS).
Written messages are given to tunnel users.
→Provide information on the use of traffic lanes, incident or accident, fire / smoke or other obstruction in the tunnel as well as the condition of the road at the exit of the tunnel (when there are weather or other problems).
Speed limiters
(Indicate the maximum allowed speed of circulation in the tunnel)
“EXIT” signal
(Indicate the closest distance to the exit from the tunnel pipe to the safety outlets).
Located at a distance of 24 meters from each other.
Flashing signals at the entrance of security galleries
(On both sides of the security galleries. Help to distinguish the security exit as soon as possible).
Normal lighting: Provides the required visibility 24 hours throughout the length of the tunnel.
Ventilation system: That controls and removes the pollutants of the gases of road vehicles and ensures the control of heat and smoke gases in case of fire.
Support posts (SOS booth):
–35 (thirty five) pieces in each tunnel pipe
-(At a distance of about 150 meters from each other).
SOS Table
SOS Cabin
– Completed with:
-Fix telephone. → (In the “SOS” cabin)
(In the entrance – exit to the tunnel)
(For emergency calls) connected to the Tunnel Traffic Control Center (TCC)
– 2 (two) fire extinguisher →
(Used by tunnel users when there are small fires)
– 5 (five) cones →
(Used by tunnel users to quickly block the lane where the vehicle has stopped).
Before entering the tunnel
– It is forbidden in any case the movement of pedestrians in the tunnel.
– It is forbidden to enter all means of transport that are not allowed to move on the highway.
– Turn on the dipped headlights before entering the tunnel.
– To control and act according to the messages written in the electronic boards (VMS) that are before the entrance of the tunnel.
– To enter only the lanes that have the green arrow at the entrance of the tunnel
(Do not move in lanes that have a red cross and / or deviate the lane according to the yellow arrow.
If in the VMS table is the message “CLOSED TUNNEL” do not enter the tunnel.
(At the entrance to the tunnel there are no green arrows →
During the movement in the tunnel
It is not allowed to perform these actions with the vehicle in the tunnel:
– To stop.
– To overtake.
– To park.
– To change the direction of movement.
– Move back.
Keep in mind that:
– To respect the road signs in the tunnel.
– To respect the necessary distance between vehicles during movement.
– To move at the allowed speed in the tunnel.
(Given in Speed Limiters (Speed Limits)
– To move only in the lanes that have the arrow and the traffic light in green
(Do not move in the lanes that have: red traffic light, yellow or red arrow and red cross).
– To control and act according to the messages written in electronic tables (VMS).
(Examples of the state of signalization in different cases in the tunnel).
In case the traffic in the tunnel is directed by authorized employees (of the tunnel emergency services and the Traffic Police) their instructions have priority over those of the permanent road signage.
Vehicle stopped in the tunnel
In case of stopping the vehicle in the tunnel for emergency cases.
(For problems such as: Technical defect, rubber drop, etc.)
The driver of the vehicle must act:
– Move and stop the vehicle as much as possible on the right side of the direction of movement.
– Turn on the hazard warning lights (Blockage)
– Do not allow persons traveling in the vehicle to get off the vehicle.
– Wear a phosphorescent vest.
– Ne Nr. Tel. Mobile 0800 0400 (toll free number) to report any problems. (If not connected to the phone. Mobile phone to go to the nearest SOS cabin and connect to the phone. Cabin fixed)
– Get off the vehicle and place the danger triangle about 50 meters behind the vehicle.
– From the nearest SOS cabin, take the cones that are in the SOS Cabin and place them from the stopped vehicle in the direction of the danger triangle, constantly controlling the traffic.
Drivers of other vehicles entering the tunnel must act:
– To move in the lane that is with arrows and green traffic lights.
– To move at the speed that is in the speed limiters
– To apply the notes that are in the VMS.
Case of fire / smoke in the tunnel.
– Carefully follow the signal in the tunnel.
– If the traffic lights are red and red crosses are displayed do not continue moving.
– Look at the VMS tables and follow the message that is there.
– If you notice any signs of fire / smoke, stop the vehicle immediately without going there.
– Turn on the hazard warning lights (Blockage)
– Reverse the direction of movement or move backwards.
– Get out of the vehicle quickly by following the “EXIT” signals to find the nearest safety exit
(Do not be late to pick up personal or other items from the vehicle).
– If you have the possibility, contact through Nr. Tel. Mobile 0800 0400 (toll free number) or in SOS booths via landline.
Case of fire / smoke in your vehicle while moving in the tunnel.
– Stop the vehicle as far as possible on the right side of the traffic direction and as close as possible to the SOS cabs.
– Move quickly on the sidewalk of the tunnel in the direction of SOS cabins and get the fire extinguisher.
– If you see that the fire can not be extinguished by you with a fire extinguisher, leave the vehicle.
– Act as in the case of tunnel fires.