Electrical Services and Maintenance of THIRRA TUNNEL

Electrical Services and Maintenance of THIRRA TUNNEL.

The concession company “Albanian Highway Concession” in accordance with the concession contract for the highway Milot-Morina has realized the construction of road lighting at the following junctions:

Existing nodes before the effective date of the concession contract;

  • Milot exchange
  • Km 10, Skuraj Exchange.
  • Rubik Exchange
  • Rreshen exchange
  • Exchange of Reps
  • Exchange Km 45 + 440
  • Fan Exchange
  • Km 98, Kukes Bridge Exchange


Nodes built after effective data of concession contracts;

  • Kalimash Exchange
  • Mamez Exchange
  • Km 103, Gjegjan Exchange
  • Km 108, Bardhoc Interchange
  • Km 109, Bardhoc I Ri Interchange
  • Morina Exchange
  • Rexhal Exchange
  • Morine Customs Exchange


The design of lighting paths is done according to the road standards with the flow of capabilities suitable for the frequenters and highways. Use LED technology to get the most out of your electricity. The installation of lighting paths is done in accordance with the rules and laws in force to have maximum safety during their use.

With the installation of lighting paths it is a much greater relief for highway passers-by and the use of statistics that will not be done just in case you follow accidents.

During the construction and administration of street lighting, investments have been made for the community in the vicinity of highways, such as new power lines, the use of connection points used by the community and the concessionaire. All street lights intercept the Milot-Morina highways are administered and maintained by the concessionaire company.

Thirra Tunnel and Highways Installations

Thirra tunnel and other road plants are under the care of the electrical department. All equipment of tunnel systems and monitoring plants 24/24. Check the routine every day and at any time that the problem of real-time intervention is identified using road users for safety movement and safety. Maintenance groups are 24/24 and 365 days of receipt and on standby for any possible breakdown.

If road users have problems or breakdowns related to street lighting, they are advised to intervene themselves as they can be exposed to fatal risks if they are asked to contact the green number 08000400 and the maintenance team will be taken to take appropriate technical measures.

Thirra Tunnel Ventilation System