
Routine Maintenance

  • Repair and replacement of road signs.
  • Cleaning of the drainage network along the highway.
  • Fencing along the entire length of the highway section with 4 lanes.
  • Maintenance of existing works of art and bridges.
  • Traffic management in case of accidents and for stopping vehicles on the highway.
  • Repair of asphalt layers.
  • Cleaning the road from various dirt on the road.
  • Maintenance of escarpment and rock masses that pose a risk.
  • Vegetation cutting.
  • Maintenance and repair of metal protective barriers. (Guardrail)

Winter Maintenance

3 snow areas are stationed on the highway, Rreps, Kolsh, Bardhoc. In all three winter maintenance areas, the necessary amount of salt, snow machines and sufficient staff have been set up to organize and carry out the work in accordance with the contractual obligations. Also in the area of the Thirrë Tunnel, Kukës, meteorological stations have been installed which provide real-time info on temperature, asphalt conditions, ice formation or not, information used to intervene in real time to eliminate them.

  • 24h readiness throughout the winter maintenance period.
  • Prevention and salt treatment of the road surface to avoid the formation of ice and frost on the
  • Cleaning the road and treating it during snowfall.

Information board and green number 08000400

In all existing nodes, electronic tables are positioned at the entrance and on the main axis. The signs are controlled and commanded by the control center in Toll Plaza. Depending on the road conditions, construction sites or risks on the highway, real-time information is provided to all road users in order to prevent any incident or accident on the road. All road users must be attentive to any information given on the information boards and strictly adhere to the road code and road signage boards.

  • Information for road users through temporary and permanent information boards as well as electronic boards.
  • Green toll free number for each road user to get information on highway conditions and any problems or and in case help will be required, 24/24.

Patrol 24/24

Milot – Morinë Highway, in addition to working groups that carry out different work processes for maintenance or capital works, has a 24/24 presence of patrol staff. This unit, in addition to patrolling continuously during the day and at night to identify or prevent various incidents / accidents on the road, also performs the following tasks.

  • Providing assistance to road users in case of accidents or incidents on the highway.
  • Intervening with the necessary signage during road accidents in order to prevent new accidents at the scene of the accident and to clean the scene before it opens to traffic.
  • Going as fast as possible to the area where support is required from road users.

Variable Message Panels

Variable message panels are shiny structures installed along the Milot – Morine highway, on average every 10km, dedicated to transmitting information about the Highway situation, in real time.

Through Variable Message Panels, Highway users are informed before entering the Highway, giving them the opportunity to access it or not. These users are also informed along the way on the Highway, with brilliant messages about various events, incidents, open sites, traffic or atmospheric conditions.

Only during situations with normal traffic,  when there are no events to highlight, the panels transmit other typologies of messages, such as:

  • Road Safety and driving behavior (seat belt, safety distance, etc.…)
  • Services available on the Highway (Green Number, website, etc.…)

Currently on the Highway are installed 20 panels with variable messages.

Among other things, Variable Message Panels are for us a very important communication tool that we use to improve the behaviour in the direction of tools by users. Statistics show that over 90% of fatal accidents are caused as a result of misbehavior by users.

Ndricimi i Rruges

Rrethimi i Autostrades

Ura Kukes

Ura e Vjeter mbi Drin

Road signs,Sinjalistika rrugore

Zyra monitorimit